Sexualidade infantil, objeto-amor primário e a signiticância antropológica do complexo de Édipo: relendo "Sobre a sexualidade feminina" de Freud


  • Philippe Van Haute


This article is an attempt to show why and in what respect Freud's famous article, 'On female sexuality' can still be a source of inspiration for a contemporary meta-psychology. In this text, Freud acknowledges the importance of the child's tie to its mother for the first time. Borh Balint and Bowlby consider this text to be a distant forerunner of their own theories on primary object-love and attachment respectively. At the same time, Freud's text contains some elements of a 'theory of generalized seduction' as it was developed in the last decades by Jean Laplanche. 'On female sexuality' therefore presents itself as the perfect point of departure for a discussion of the relation between attachment and sexuality. Based on our reading of Freud's text, we argue that human subjectivity is characterized by the lack of attunement between the world of the adult and the world of the child. This insight allows for a reformulation of the anthropological significance of the Oedipus - and the castration complex They are no longer interpreted as universal problems that every child has to face, but as historical and contingent solutions to the lack of attunement between the child and the adult that is essential to human subjectivity. Key-words: female sexuality; primary object-love; Oedipus complex; castration complex, seduction; confusion of tongues; seduction.



How to Cite

Van Haute, P. (2024). Sexualidade infantil, objeto-amor primário e a signiticância antropológica do complexo de Édipo: relendo "Sobre a sexualidade feminina" de Freud. Human Nature - International Philosophy and Psychology Review, 8(especial 1), 151–173. Retrieved from