Aristóteles com Lacan: ousia/hypokeimenon e os destinos do não-predicável


  • Mario Fleig


The notions of ousia and hypokeimenon in the Aristotles book of the Categories left to the posterity a non analyzed remaining portion thar returns in the Thomas Aquinas medieval thought, passing first by the Arab interpreters, until being recovered by Heidegger.One last turn of this forgotten remaining portion emerges in the unconscious logic proposed by Lacan that delimits in the object-cause of desire the singular of the first ousia, impossible to be predicated, but being capable of registration. The destinies of these key notions from the aristotelic logic demonstrate how much we continue to be his followers, even without knowing it.  Key-words: Aristotles; Universal-singular; ousia; hypokeimenon; existence; unconscious; reason-faith.



How to Cite

Fleig, M. (2024). Aristóteles com Lacan: ousia/hypokeimenon e os destinos do não-predicável. Human Nature - International Philosophy and Psychology Review, 8(especial 1), 313–330. Retrieved from