Human Dwellings as Time Expressions: Dialogue Between Heidegger and D?gen


  • José Carlos Michelazzo


This essay is intended to present introductory contributions to the problem of time by putting into dialogue two thinkers: Heidegger and D?gen. The strategy for both will show a continuum of three modes of human habitation, taken as ways of being human, from three modes of possible interpretation of the time problem. The initial two are presented under the perspective of Heidegger's thought: the first one, the anthropocentric, is the one that is established from a first interpretation of time as a simple duration; the second, the existential, is time as finitude or relative impermanence. The third one, the numinous, under Zen Master D?gen's perspective of thought, is apprehended from time as radical impermanence. In this continuum of modes of dwelling would be a supposition that there is a deepening in the comprehension of the being of man that would imply, in turn, with a correspondent deepening in the way of interpreting the problem of time, in other words, of apprehending it more originally. Keywords: ontology, dwelling, time, permanence, finitude, impermanence.



How to Cite

Michelazzo, J. C. (2024). Human Dwellings as Time Expressions: Dialogue Between Heidegger and D?gen. Human Nature - International Philosophy and Psychology Review, 13(2), 63–84. Retrieved from