The notion of formal indication: a question of method?


  • Mario Fleig


Formal indication is a notion introduced by Martin Heidegger, in order to define the specificity of his field of work – the issue of being and the question by his sense –, whose resource is demanded by the anti-predictive dimension of the originary experience. Taking that into account, this text holds the hypothesis that the formal indication would work, according to the German philosopher, as a privileged method of access to the being, as it is a defense against the fall in the reference register, that is exactly the one in which the theoretical-objective speech finds its support. Therefore, the text starts from the contributions of texts by the young Heidegger, in which he deals, for the first time, with the explanations on formal indication, whose unfoldings he would yet glimpse throughout his intellectual work. Thus, it analyses the bad interpretation in the understanding of concepts, as well as evaluate the importance of tautology in the philosophical speech, because it defines itself as a "non-speaking that speaks". Therefore, from the analysis of this resource, the texts heads to the explicitation of the ontological sense of care as temporality, that brings us closer to the Heideggerian compreension of the limits of logic, since in it lies the vulgar interpretation of time as a constant present, that demands, as a precaution, coming into the fenomenology of inapparent, so that we can move away from the unrestricted predominance of concepts. Keywords: Heidegger, fenomenology, method, formal indication.



How to Cite

Fleig, M. (2024). The notion of formal indication: a question of method?. Human Nature - International Philosophy and Psychology Review, 13(2), 116–126. Retrieved from