Winnicott e uma psicanálise sem metapsicologia


  • Leopoldo Fulgencio


After characterizing what Freud understands as being the nature and the function of the metapsychological theory of psychoanalysis, that is, a set of speculative concepts which are auxiliary constructions only of heuristic value, and serve only to help observation, organization and systematization, I intend to show that Winnicott not only criticizes but also does not utilize this kind of theorization.  Key-words: metapsychology; speculation; heuristic; human nature; factual's theorization



How to Cite

Fulgencio, L. (2024). Winnicott e uma psicanálise sem metapsicologia. Human Nature - International Philosophy and Psychology Review, 8(especial 1), 401–420. Retrieved from

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