Uma breve menção de Winnicott a Leonardo da Vinci


  • Rogerio Luz


This text points to theoretical characteristics and implications present in the critical references that Winnicott makes to psychoanalytic interpretations of the work and life of Leonardo da Vinci in terms of sexual impulses, Oedipal Complex and sublimation. Such references suppose, on the contrary, the fundamental role that the author plays in the understanding of the experience of art, the notion of the pure feminine element that, before the constitution of an area of play, finds itself primarily related to the creative impulse, in the gaze of the mother and in the feeling of continuity of being, the basis for that which installs the identity of the other and is capable of integrating processes of identification and the return to unformed states. Palavras-chave : Pure feminine element; Source of creativity; Maternal gaze; Identity; Art experience.



How to Cite

Luz, R. (2024). Uma breve menção de Winnicott a Leonardo da Vinci. Human Nature - International Philosophy and Psychology Review, 4(2), 293–314. Retrieved from