The overcoming of Metaphysics, technical reality and amazement


  • Edgar Lyra


ABSTRACT We deal with a difficult question: the sense in which, after Heidegger, one can think of an overcoming of metaphysics. The background is the currency and omnipresence of its technical ending. Mainly focused is the problem of the possible way of being - or surviving - of a thought that, immersed in this omnipresence, is still able to inquire it. Questions such as that of the leap (Sprung) and the reversal (Kehre) show the kind of contortionism attached to this notion of overcoming. Among other issues, they call for a reflection on the relation of this thought with its history. The outcome is the identification of a field of matters which makes appear, for a thought facing the possibility of its own annihilation, the hermeneutic problem of a lucid thinking praxis. Keywords:Heidegger, Metaphysics, Technics, Hermeneutics, Overcoming, Love, Amazement.



How to Cite

Lyra, E. (2024). The overcoming of Metaphysics, technical reality and amazement. Human Nature - International Philosophy and Psychology Review, 5(1), 95–127. Retrieved from