Another objective of Dasein: the concept of birth in existential ontology


  • Robson Ramos dos Reis


The paper examines Heidegger's statement in Being and Time, according to with the birth of a human existent is another end to Dasein. The statement should be analized through the concept of possibility. In the same way that death is existential interpretaded, so becomes birth an analysis by the notion of possibility. In the extent that existential possibility is definid by instauration of being, and the finitude of Sein-zum-Tode qualifies existential death as an end (because it determinates a possible way of being thrown inside possibilities), the same can also be held of birth. That is, birth is an end in the sense of the finite qualifying of being thrown into possibilities. Natality and mortality are not only marks of a living being, but higher qualifications of existential possibility. Keywords: Heidegger, Birth, Existential possibility.



How to Cite

Reis, R. R. dos. (2024). Another objective of Dasein: the concept of birth in existential ontology. Human Nature - International Philosophy and Psychology Review, 6(1), 53–77. Retrieved from