o conceito de representação da Auffassung ao Entwurf


  • Carlota Ibertis


"Representation", as developed in the Auffassung, includesboth the concept of object and of word representation. Beingconceptualized within the context of the functioning of a psychicdevice and the perspective of neuron excitement, such concept suffersmodifications. Beyond the relevant contextual differences, theseconceptualizations diverge in thar, while the former reverts to theelaboration of the meaning ofthe word and its relation with the objectit denotes, the later, presented in Entwurf, combines the associationsof language and object with the notion of "das Ding", which allowsa redefinition of desire and the unconscious aspects of the subjecr's experience. The aim of this paper is to analyze rhe conceprual shiftberween the two rexts with regards to the notion of representation.Key-words: represenration; association; quantity; rhing represenration



How to Cite

Ibertis, C. (2024). o conceito de representação da Auffassung ao Entwurf. Human Nature - International Philosophy and Psychology Review, 8(especial 2), 25–39. Retrieved from https://revistas.dwwe.com.br:443/index.php/NH/article/view/796