An aspect of time in the relations between narrative and recognition from Paul Ricoeur


  • Helio Salles Gentil


This paper starts from Paul Ricoeur studies on narrative identity and recognition. Focused on selfhood recognition that forms personal identity, it aims to examine a remarkable time aspect of this constitution, the "short duration" pointed by Richard Sennett in his work The Corrosion o/ Character. This "short duration" is understood as a temporal modality horizon, specific of contemporaneous capitalism cultural form, a new form • in the old western tradition. Following Jeanne Marie Gagnebin critica! analysis on the tradition metamorphosis in her work Lembrar, escrever, esquecer, specifically its narrative and remembering arts, we conclude by reaffirmation of narrative value to face human time last horizon, the finitude.



How to Cite

Salles Gentil, H. (2024). An aspect of time in the relations between narrative and recognition from Paul Ricoeur. Human Nature - International Philosophy and Psychology Review, 10(e1), 153–171. Retrieved from