Reality as a question in Heidegger and Winnicott


  • Caroline Vasconcelos Ribeiro


With this article we intend to investigate how for Heidegger the problem of the reality is considered without the traditional resource to the internal intuition, that is, it is not considered in metaphysical aspects, but reassumed as an ontological problem according Dasein's Existential Analysis. Still, we plead as well to point how much Winnicott's psychoanalysis give us a non-metaphysical way to understand the human experience, once it doesn't reduce it to a field pulse relations between internal and external objects, in which the representation is not understood as the only access way to reality. We intend then, investigate how the problem of the constitution of the reality imposed as necessary matter in the Winnicott's criticism to metapsychology and in Heidegger's criticism to metaphysics. Keywords: Heidegger, Winnicott, Reality, Metaphysical, Metapsychology.



How to Cite

Vasconcelos Ribeiro, C. (2024). Reality as a question in Heidegger and Winnicott. Human Nature - International Philosophy and Psychology Review, 7(1), 95–128. Retrieved from