Daily language and existential competence


  • Marco Casanova


The fundamental intention of our text is to investigate the status of daily language in the interior of the construction of the existential project of each being-there in Being and Time. In order to fulfill this intention, the text initially dedicates itself to an analysis of the heideggerian concept of the impersonal in the referred to work. As intermediary to this analysis, we seek to show is above all an adequate comprehension of the place of discourse (Network) in the constitution of the impersonal space of existence. Together with this, we have the possibility of visualizing to what degree the impersonal does not show itself only as a species of impediment to the concretization of the personal in Being and Time, but also as a significant source of all the existential possibilities of being-there. Keywords: Discourse, Competence, Existential, Meaning, Dèja vu.



How to Cite

Casanova, M. (2024). Daily language and existential competence. Human Nature - International Philosophy and Psychology Review, 8(1), 35–85. Retrieved from https://revistas.dwwe.com.br:443/index.php/NH/article/view/891