How to transmit the analytic experience? Readings of a case-history from D. W. Winnicott


  • Jean Florence


Beginning with a consideration of what a case study represents, in general, and specifically in the first steps of the discovery of psychoanalysis, I will closely accompany the case the Winnicott presents in a chapter of "Playing and Reality": a case of primary disassociation. I will be very attentive to his manner of analytic interaction. The utilization of dreams has a very original place. I will conclude at a more theoretical level: the status of "fantasizing" in Winnicott compared with the "Phantasieren" of Freud, and the consequence of their practical concepts; and in clinical application, putting into evidence the particular characteristics of the style of transmission that he left us. Keywords: To fantasize, To dream, To wish, Psychoanalytical experience.



How to Cite

Florence, J. (2024). How to transmit the analytic experience? Readings of a case-history from D. W. Winnicott. Human Nature - International Philosophy and Psychology Review, 10(2), 149–166. Retrieved from