Masoch, Mill and the Morality of Masochism


  • Cinara Nahra


The aim of this article is to discuss Masoch's moral views from his book ‘Venus in Furs' by analyzing the relationship between Severin and Wanda, in which he is voluntarily enslaved by her. Masoch's views on love, nature and slavery are discussed, as well as Mill's views on slavery contracts. A comparison between Mill's and Masoch´s views on slavery contracts is also provided. I also discuss Masoch´s views on women that emerges in the book suggesting that he is inside the tradition of male authors that are in favour of the equality of rights between sex". Keywords: Masoch, masochism, slavery contracts, nature, women  



Cómo citar

Nahra, C. (2024). Masoch, Mill and the Morality of Masochism. Natureza Humana - Revista Internacional De Filosofia E Psicanálise, 14(2), 162–176. Recuperado a partir de