Heidegger and Psychoanalysis?


  • William J. Richardson


This paper examines the possible relationship between the thought of Martin Heidegger as it emerges in the Zollikon Seminaire (1959-1969) through his exchange with Medard Boss and the perspective of psychoanalysis as it appears through the prism of Jacques Lacan's rereading of Freud. Heidegger takes Freud to be victim of a positivist conception of science that seeks to explain pathological human behaviour by a complex of consciously discernible causes. When certain phenomena cannot be explained in this way, Freud postulates a set of psychic causes that are not conscious, the sum total of which he calls the "unconscious." Since all human phenomena are, for Heidegger, discernible through a thorough-going phenomenology of human being (Dasein) as being-in-the-world, Freud's hypothetical construct is unnecessary and, in the long run, pernicious. But Lacan proposes a new way to understand the unconscious that Freud discovered, namely, that it is not to be thought of as analogous to a physical system of hydraulic forces but rather to a process that is structured like a language. The question raised in the paper is whether or not Heidegger would have been equally hostile to Freud's hypothesis, if it had been presented to him in Lacanian fashion as something "structured like a language". The paper suggests that the answer could be "probably not". On the basis of a highly simplified clinical example, it endeavors to show the compatibility between certain basic Heideggerean concepts and several of those essential to Lacan, especially the notions of truth and freedom. Keywords: Heidegger, Lacan, Language, Positivism, Metaphysics.




Cómo citar

Richardson, W. J. (2024). Heidegger and Psychoanalysis?. Natureza Humana - Revista Internacional De Filosofia E Psicanálise, 5(1), 9–38. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.dwwe.com.br:443/index.php/NH/article/view/767