Oedipal Humanity: Helplessness, Castration and the Society-Nature Neurosis


  • Reginaldo José de Souza UFFS




The essay aims to present the interpretation of the society-nature relationship as a reworking of the Oedipal complex and neuroses in the psyche. With the support of psychoanalysis and philosophy readings, I discuss the human feeling of continuation or discontinuation with nature and the impacts of the interdictions against instinctual desires between the erotic and destructive actions of the human being. I present two possible interpretations of the neurosis triggered in the collective superego with the transferential relations of the mother and father figures: Mother-Nature and Father-Nature. I analyze some examples derived from castration traumas in contemporary society: the fear of nature and the fear of death. Finally, I signal the I signal the need for continued research on the Oedipus derivations of the society-nature relationship, in order to relate geography and psychoanalysis to understand human neuroses in the world and time in which we live. Keywords: Eros; anguish; Oedipus; psychoanalysis; society.



Cómo citar

de Souza, R. J. (2024). Oedipal Humanity: Helplessness, Castration and the Society-Nature Neurosis . Natureza Humana - Revista Internacional De Filosofia E Psicanálise, 26(1), 60–78. https://doi.org/10.59539/2175-2834-v26n1-819