Brazilian Institute of Winnicottian Psychoanalysis (IBPW) International Winnicott Association (IWA) SINO-BRAZILIAN INTERNATIONAL TRAINING COURSE IN THE WINNICOTTIAN CHILD-CARE AND TREATMENT  QINGDAO, 2021-2022 GENERAL FEATURES 1. Trainees: graduate students in different areas of child health care and treatment. 2. Teachers: English speaking senior professionals from the Brazilian Winnicott Institute (IBPW) and/or it´s collaborators from the International Winnicott Association (IWA) 3. Duration: two years, 2021-2022, divided in 4 modules (of 10 days each) 4.Year´s periods: January and July 5. The program: see below  6. Time schedule: morning and afternoon classes; details to be announced B. OUTLINE OF THE PROGRAM  I. Summary This Course presents on an introductory level Winnicott´s views about child-care and treatment. The theoretical lectures, to be held in the morning, will present 1) Winnicott´s theory the maturational processes, 2) areas of the professional treatment (pediatrics, child psychiatry, psychiatric social work, maturational education) of blockages or distortions of this development (Winnicott´s maturational pathology), 3) settings and procedures for treatment and application of his ideas to prevention, 4) Winnicott´s clinical cases as illustrations these views. In the afternoon classes will be given supervisions of cases presented by participants.    II. Teachers: China group of teachers of the IBPW, coordinated by Z. Loparic and Elsa Oliveira Dias  III.Time scheme      Morning classes: theoretical lectures on the main aspects of Winnicott´s program of infant- and child-care and treatment Afternoon classes: supervision of cases presented by the participants will be divided in tow groups: child health facilitators (teachers, social workers etc.) and child therapists3. Duration of each module: 10 days   IV. Titles of the Theoretical Part of the Course (morning lectures) Module 1 – January 2021Topic: Winnicott´s theory of the maturational processes in infancy and childhood Teachers: Alice McCaffrey Busnardo, Laura Mack Rates and Roseana Moraes Garcia Module 2 – July 2021Topic: Winnicott´s program for the area’s professional treatment of distortions of blockages of the maturational processes in infancy and childhood Teachers: Elsa Oliveira Dias and Z. Loparic  Module 3 – January 2022Topic: Winnicott´s settings and procedures to be used in the treatment of the disturbances in infancy and childhood. Teachers: Alice McCaffrey Busnardo and Elsa Oliveira Dias Module 4 – July 2022Topic: Winnicott´s clinical cases in child psychiatry  Teachers: to be defined Backing:  Beijing Mental Health Facilitating CenterBeijing Winnicott learning and studying group  Psychological Counseling Center of the Shandong University Students Psychological Counseling Committee of the Universities in Shandong Province  The Agenda of the opening ceremony