
  • Human Nature - International Philosophy and Psychology Review

    The Revista Natureza Humana (Qualis A3) publishes works related to the foundation of psychotherapeutic theories and practices. The works of Martin Heidegger and Donald W. Winnicott are taken as central, but not exclusive, reference points.

    The choice of these two authors rests on solid reasons. The former has long been considered one of the greatest philosophers of the century, and the latter is receiving increasing recognition as the most original psychoanalyst since Freud. In addition, both authors built bridges between philosophy and psychotherapy. Heidegger devoted – as can be seen in the famous Zollikon Seminars – an extraordinary effort to the discussion of Freudian psychoanalysis and to the attempt to elaborate a philosophical project of pathology and therapy, without losing sight of the scientific discoveries of psychoanalysis. One of our objectives will be to rescue this daseinsanalytic project, still very little known, in an attempt to decide, through works that are both theoretical and clinical, if it has the power to constitute part of a new tradition of scientific research in psychotherapy and in psychotherapy. medicine in general, as anticipated and desired by Heidegger.

    On the other hand, it is about accompanying Winnicott in his attempt to initiate, based on his extensive clinical experience, a new tradition of research and clinic within psychoanalysis. It is to philosophy that Winnicott owes, as he recognized on several occasions, the courage to proceed, step by step, towards a better understanding of human nature, free from ties of personal loyalty to the founders of traditional psychoanalysis. This process resulted in a renewed psychoanalysis, centered on the problem of personal growth and no longer on that of Oedipus, and freed from the metaphysical heritage of instinctual forces that weigh so heavily on Freud's metapsychology.

    ISSN 2175-2834 [Qualis CAPES A3]


  • The Winnicottian Review (launching soon)

    The Winnicottian Review (WR) is an online journal on Winnicott published on behalf of the Brazilian Institute of Winnicottian Psychoanalysis (IBPW) by DWWeditorial, of the Brazilian Society of Winnicottian Psychoanalysis (SBPW).

  • Winnicott ePrints. Revista Internacional de Psicanálise Winnicottiana


    Winnicott e-Prints

    Órgão Oficial da Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise Winnicottiana

    DWW editorial

    Fundador e primeiro Editor Científico (2002-2005):
    Zeljko Loparic

    Ariadne Alvarenga Rezende Engelberg de Moraes

    Conceição Aparecida Serralha

    Marcos Lisboa

    ISSN 1679-432X

    versão eletrônica - Publicação Semestral